Producing for Brazilians by Brazilians for over 70 years.
J. Serrano textile, a leading textile company in Latin America, operates on 200,000 m² in Vargem Grande Paulista-SP. Specializing in fabrics for furniture, rugs, bedspreads, blinds, and PVC floors, it stands out for its technological innovations and conscious practices. Its products embrance Brazil, Latin America, Europe, Mexico, and the USA, with its own distribution in several countries. Recognized as one of the main global suppliers of fabrics for furniture and decorative products, it is also a world reference.
Establishment of J. Serrano Wholesale Tapestries in the Brás District by José Serrano.
Inauguration of the J. Serrano Textile Factory in the Ipiranga neighborhood with 12 looms producing fabrics for decoration.
Factory relocation to Vargem Grande Paulista, expanding its production.
Modernization of your weaving by replacing shuttle looms with pincer looms.
Start of polypropylene thread production, enabling more economical fabric and carpet production. Participation in a fair in Europe, already demonstrating the international potential of the brand.
1980 e 1990
Expansion of buildings and industrial park. Visit to international textile machinery fairs.
Acquisition of new technologies for finishing, enabling the production of less dense and more economical fabrics. Acquisition of latest generation carpet looms with increased productivity and quality and cost reduction.
Creation of Ledervin Sumaré, start of plastic laminate production.
Opening of new markets with the production of fabrics for mattresses. Acquisition of the Fairway factory (Ledervin Osasco) and start of polymer and polyester yarn production.
New period of production expansion and replacement of machinery with state-of-the-art equipment, increasing productive capacity.
Inauguration of the first international branch for fabric distribution in the USA, one of the most demanding markets in the world.
Construction of the Ledervin Vargem Grande Paulista for the production of technical PVC laminates. Start of quilt production.
Split between J. Serrano Textile and Ledervin.
Production of PVC fabrics for blinds, outdoor furniture and flooring.
2013 e 2014
Achievement of the ABVTEX Seal, consolidating the company with good practices in the supply chain and opening of own branches in Chile and Colombia.
Start of own production of polyester yarn.
The company undergoes all audits and receives OEKO-TEX quality certification.
Covid-19 period. The company maintained its production line, taking all necessary precautions with its employees.
Year of death of the founder of Textile J. Serrano, Mr. José Serrano, at the age of 100.
Consolidation of the professionalization project of J. Serrano Textile.
The “Big Bang” has been carried out, concluding the 2-year project of implementing the new ERP. The J. Serrano brand has been revamped, with a new logo and a more beautiful, modern, and sophisticated new visual identity.
Mission, vision and values
To add value to our customers, employees, partners, suppliers, community, and environment, through the responsible production and marketing of textile products. We develop solutions that translate into quality, better cost-benefit, and sustainability at all stages of the production chain.
To be globally recognized for excellence in the production of fabrics and decoration products for a wide variety of environments.
We cultivate integrity and ethics with all audiences.
We commit to environmental, social, and economic sustainability.
We act proactively, driving innovation.
We nourish the entrepreneurial spirit, in search of new opportunities.
We build credibility through transparency and mutual trust.
More than just products, we weave a commitment to the environment and local community.
At J. Serrano Textiles, we adopt sustainable practices, such as the use of recyclable synthetic fibers, efficient dyeing process, and zero waste in production. Moreover, our manufacturing plant, located in a green area of 200,000 square meters, provides a healthy environment for our employees and reaffirms our commitment to environmental preservation and the quality of life of the local community. Production waste is used within the company itself or sold to the automotive and transformation industries. All recycled material is transformed into new products such as yarns, fibers, and felts. The company is committed to minimal use of natural resources, ensuring the rational use of inputs and the well-being of the entire involved community.
Social Responsibility
We believe that the sustainable growth of an organization is only possible when we commit to the comprehensive development of society.
Therefore, at J. Serrano Textiles we support organizations like GRAACC (Fighting and Overcoming Childhood Cancer), through programs of raw material donation to welfare entities and collective actions for families in need.
For us, making a difference means actively contributing to causes that benefit our neighbour.
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Dados Beneficiário: TÊXTIL J SERRANO LTDA. CNPJ: 49.870.173/0001-50